ID51=File Types|Here you can choose the files which will be affected.
ID52=Filters|Here you can enter some filters that will be matched with file names<br>to determine what files are affected.<br>Separate filters using semicolons. Filters can contain<br>the wildcards <b>?</b> (only one character) or <b>*</b> (zero or more characters).<br><font color=blue>Example:</b> *.exe;*.dll;*.t??</font>
ID53=You want to delete the selected profile?
ID54=Load selected profile
ID55=Delete selected profile
ID56=Save settings in a profile
ID57=Enter the folder name:
ID58=Files: %d
ID59=Matches: %d
ID60=Lines: %d
ID61=Do you want to continue?
ID62=The format of the file is wrong.
ID63=Search Results Files (*.srf)|*.srf||
ID64=Save Profile
ID65=Type the profile name:
ID66=A profile with name '%s' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?
ID67=Do you want to delete the selected files?
ID73=Create shortcut
ID74=Open with
ID78=Paste shortcut
ID81=The current clipboard does not contain text. Only text can be appended.
ID82=The '%s' file does not contain text. The clipboard can only be appended in text files.
ID83=Enter the file name which will be created in the following folder:\n\n%s
ID84=A file with name '%s' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?
ID85=Folder Name
ID90=Do you want to shred the selected elements?
ID92=MAPI is necessary for sending the e-mail, however MAPI is not installed.
ID93=Error while logging on the mail profile.
ID94=Modified Time
ID95=%s%s - copy.%s
ID96=Only text files can be copied to the Clipboard, however the selected file seems to be a binary file. Copying a binary file may cause an unwanted effect.\n\nDo you want to continue?
ID98=All Files
ID99=All Folders
ID101=Move Up
ID102=Move Down
ID103=Move Top
ID104=Move Bottom
ID105=The buffer size for arguments has exceeded the maximum size (2048 bytes). The program will be run by limiting arguments to 2048 bytes.
ID106=Do not show again
ID107=Pin to
ID108=Restore previous versions
ID112=Enter the location of the symbolic link
ID113=The file already exists. The symbolic link can not be created on an existing file.
ID114=The symbolic link has been created successfully
ID115=File Name
ID118=Updating preview...
ID119=Parent Folder
ID120=Choose how you want to save the checksums:
ID121=An error ocurried while renaming the following file, because already a file exists with the same name.\nFrom: %s\nTo: %s\n\nPlease, choose the action that you want:
ID122=File exists
ID123=Keep existing file\nDon't rename the file and keep existing file.\nSize: %s\nLast Write Time: %s
ID124=Rename and overwrite\nRename the file and overwrite the existing file.\nSize: %s\nLast Write Time: %s
ID125=Rename, but keep both files\nThe file will be renamed with the following name: "%s"
ID126=Perform the same action for the next conflicts
ID127=Create an unique checksum file for all the files
ID128=Create a new checksum file for each file
ID129=Save Checksums
ID130=The following folders will be deleted. Do you want to continue?
ID131=Searching empty folders...
ID133=Checksum file exists
ID134=The checksum file already exists. What do you want to do?
ID135=Overwrite the file
ID136=Append the new checksums into the existing checksum file
ID137=Are you sure you want to rename the selected files with the profile "%s"?
ID138=The profile cannot be loaded
ID139=Show File Extensions
ID140=Running %s (%d of %d)
ID141=Do you want to terminate the current instance?
ID142=Terminating current instance...
ID143=Analyze Hard Links
ID144=Choose if to analyze the hard links. A file may be referenced several times in different locations occupying the same disk space. This is named hard links. Normally a file only has associated a hard link, but if a file has associated several hard links, then the real size in disk may not be calculated correctly, depending of the choosed option.
ID145=No analyze hard links\nThis is much quicker; but if a file has referenced several hard links, then the size will be repeated several times and will not calculate the real size in disk.
ID146=Analyze hard links\nThis is much slower; but the real size in disk will be calculated correctly, because if a file has referenced several hard links, then the size only will be calculated once.
ID147=Always to perform the same action in the future
ID900=Separator\nInserts a separator to Context Menu
ID901=Open by Application\nOpens all selected files by an application
ID902=Run with Parameters...\nRuns the selected executable using specified arguments
ID903=Command Line from Here\nOpens a command line window from the selected folder
ID904=Copy To...\nCopies the selected elements to another folder
ID905=Move To...\nMoves the selected elements to another folder
ID906=Copy Path\nCopies to clipboard the paths of the selected elements
ID907=Copy Content\nCopies to clipboard the contents of the selected elements
ID908=Attributes\nShows or sets the attributes of the selected elements
ID909=Change Time...\nChanges the creation time, the last access time and the last write time of the selected elements
ID910=Split File...\nSplits the selected file into some parts
ID911=Join Parts\nJoins all parts in order to build the original file
ID912=Register DLL\nRegisters the selected file in the system so applications can use it
ID913=Unregister DLL\nUnregisters the selected file
ID914=Find and Replace...\nFinds or replaces a text in all selected elements
ID915=Advanced Renamer...\nRenames the selected files using some rules
ID916=Change Icon...\nSets the icon of selected folder
ID917=Advanced Delete...\nDeletes specified file types in selected folder
ID918=Synchronize...\nSynchronizes the selected folder with another folder
ID919=Configure FileMenu Tools...\nShows the configuration window
ID920=Delete Locked File\nDeletes the file even if it is locked by another application
ID921=Delete Permanently\nDeletes the selected elements WITHOUT moving them to the Recycle Bin
ID922=Copy Name\nCopies to clipboard the names of the selected elements
ID923=Create New Folder\nCreates a new folder in selected folder
ID924=Paste Clipboard\nAppends the clipboard contents in the selected elements (text only)
ID925=Size of Folders...\nDisplays the size of the subfolders in the selected folder
ID926=Shred Files...\nShred the files so that they cannot be recovered with recovery tools
ID927=Send to Mail Recipient\nSends an e-mail with the selected elements as attachments
ID928=Duplicate Files\nCreates a new copy of the selected elements in the same folder
ID929=Pack to Folder\nMoves all the selected elements to a new subfolder
ID930=Select\nSelects the elements with various filters
ID931=Copy UNC Path\nCopies to clipboard the paths of the selected elements as UNC format
ID932=Copy Internet Path\nCopies to clipboard the paths of the selected elements as Internet format
ID933=Create Symbolic Link...\nCreates a symbolic link referenced to the selected element
ID934=Calculate and Verify Checksum...\nCalculates and verifies checksums (md5, sha-1) for the selected elements
ID935=Unpack Folder\nMoves all the elements into the selected folder to parent folder
ID936=Delete Empty Folders...\nDeletes recursively the folders which do not contain files
ID1025=Insufficient space on disk.\nSelect another folder:
ID1026=The file is not valid.
ID1027=Select the folder of part n║ %d.
ID1028=Part %d of %d\nSaving in %s
ID1029=Reading part %d of %d.
ID1032=Open with Notepad
ID1036=Line Number
ID1038=File was not found.
ID1043=Basic Options
ID1044=Advanced Options
ID1046=File '%s' will be renamed by '%s', though other file exists with same name. Do you want to overwrite existing file?
ID1047=Error occurred when renaming '%s' by '%s'.\n\nError description:\n%s
ID1048=Old name
ID1049=New name
ID1062=Replace;Before the old name;After the old name
ID1064=Replace;Before the old extension;After the old extension
ID1065=All files have been renamed. Do you want to continue renaming?
ID1080=Some files will be renamed with the same name. These files have been marked in red. Please fix these conflicts in order to continue with renaming.
ID1082=%s\nPhase %d of %d
ID1086=Show Hidden Files
ID1087=Show System Files
ID1090=Rename Recursively
ID1091=You have selected folders. Do you want recursively to rename into all the subfolders?